Spacious Day 21: Make a List

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

With 9 days left in this little journey, let’s bring on more structure. Today I sat down and made a list. I picked 9 little projects I’d like completed — 9 areas I’d love to see more place in. I also marked down how long I suspected each would take me and then assigned them to the remaining days. …

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Spacious Day 20: Clean Slate

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

I’ve just had an amazing three days of clearing emotional clutter — challenging those thoughts that don’t serve who I am becoming. I had an experience last night that pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I’ll share more when I have a moment this weekend. Needless to say, I have formed a new …

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Spacious Day 18: Savour Progress

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

Today I rest in some newly created space. I take a moment to savour my progress, which has shown up in all different forms lately. The Universe sure does GREAT work! How about you? Where in life are you noticing new space? Feels wonderful, yes? P.S. My kitchen junk drawer is staring at me. Soon, my friend. Your time is …

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Spacious Day 17: Time for Clarity

Spacious Day 17: Time for Clarity

Today’s creating space was perhaps the most important so far. I made a decision to free time in my life for greater wellness and increased energy. To pursue a simpler life. I’ve come to know at a deep level, this is something I am to master. I mean really embody at every level. Body. Mind. Heart. Soul. This is …

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Spacious Day 16: Stop the Drain

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

This morning I faxed off the realtor listing for an investment property that we’re selling. It’s had no end of problems, so we are getting rid of it. Is it the perfect time to sell given a depressed market? Actually yes. Because the energetic cost on us as owners is far greater than the financial loss we’ll incur.  …

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Spacious Day 15: Inbox Heaven

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

Wow… half way there. (And part of me screams, and so much still to declutter!) Do you feel the same way? Don’t worry, 15 days still remain. AND I’m so clear that the conversation of creating space has just begun. If it takes me a year to get organized with consistent baby steps each day, …

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Spacious Day 13: Transformation

Spacious Day 13: Transformation

Today I’m filling my car with things to take to their respective homes: recycling, goodwill, and a second hand store. This frees me of the piles I’ve been stacking in corners of my home.  We’re only 13 days in but I’m already feeling like this mission of creating space is becoming a way of life. …

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Spacious Day 12: Outdoor Love

What’s the Weather in Your World?

I love that the weather has warmed so I can get outside to enjoy the snow.  Today’s brisk morning walk was a good decluttering of the mind. I love hearing the crunch underneath my feet and feeling the fresh new air in my lungs. Somehow I am more inspired. Mother Nature has that effect on me. I’m turning …

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Spacious Day 9: Pause to Celebrate

Rainbow Coloured Sunflower

Today, I took my books to my fabulous accountant. DONE! Sitting in my home office tonight, I love how much more spacious it feels. This calls for a celebration. So, with glass of wine in hand, I pause. I celebrate. I soak in this juicy win. And this curious eager voice inside is bouncing up and down asking…. …

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