Spacious Day 12: Outdoor Love

I love that the weather has warmed so I can get outside to enjoy the snow.  Today’s brisk morning walk was a good decluttering of the mind. I love hearing the crunch underneath my feet and feeling the fresh new air in my lungs. Somehow I am more inspired. Mother Nature has that effect on me.

I’m turning inward to write now, closing off all distractions for the next hour. I love this new focus. Then I’m creating space. I’ll report back later!

What about you? How are you creating more space today?

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

3 thoughts on “Spacious Day 12: Outdoor Love”

  1. Not much lighter, but preparing.

    I have two knitting projects that will finally be getting out the door to their recipients this weekend.

    A bin that has been sitting in our bedroom closet was pulled out this week as well. Some things were placed in new homes in the house (that spare bathmat now has a new bathroom to sit in! Books that actually have a bookshelf now!), and some things were tossed (piles of hockey tickets from 3 years ago???)

    I think this weekend I will be starting boxes as well for various places. I actually have free time this weekend!

  2. You make me smile Debbie. Yes, the bin, the bookshelf, the boxes are so key! It’s hard to declutter if we have nowhere to put things.

    I’m curious about the bathmat, because I can relate. I had a new shower curtain that sat in my linen closet for years before I hung it. Why oh why? I think it just tells us how much stuff we really have… more than we really need.

    I feel a huge wave a gratitude rush over me. We truly have more than enough.


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