Spacious Day 15: Inbox Heaven

Wow… half way there. (And part of me screams, and so much still to declutter!) Do you feel the same way? Don’t worry, 15 days still remain. AND I’m so clear that the conversation of creating space has just begun. If it takes me a year to get organized with consistent baby steps each day, well then, so be it! I’m loving the flow.

Today and yesterday, I focused on cleaning my email inbox. Actually, I was forced to if I wanted to receive any new emails. I had sent photos from my super fun photo shoot with Cassie to my designer and well, I cluttered up my inbox something fierce. Time to declutter, and not just the sent photos.

I’m always reluctant to do mass deletes in my inbox because so often I’ve returned to look for an email that I previously deleted. It’s so frustrating. So today I deleted the obvious old emails, archived the obvious keepers and then made a separate folder for all the emails that I’m beginning to go through one by one. It will take some time but I’m committed to tackling a few each day. My inbox is already in heaven and I can receive emails again!

How about you? What did the weekend bring? I’m excited to hear and celebrate.

With Love, 


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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

4 thoughts on “Spacious Day 15: Inbox Heaven”

  1. My name is Shannon & I am a self-confessed email hoarder…

    Baby steps here…every day I unsubscribe from at least one list I’m on. Long ago, as part of a marketing study I created a separate email acct for viewing how people ‘get their message out’. However, this has turned from a research tool to a time consumer. Streamlining, letting go, creating space & time…slowly but surely.

  2. I greet you with open arms Shannon. Yes, I’ve been unsubscribing from lists too. It’s actually a fun exercise to check-in and ask, Do I love this newsletter? Do I read it? Does it fuel my current journey? If no, it’s gone. I also notice when I feel ‘bad’ leaving some people’s newsletters, especially if they are people closer to me. Can we accept that just because we no longer want to receive that form of communication, we still love and adore them? A good learning for me as people come and go from my programs. It aint personal!

  3. Hmmm…this weekend did not go as anticipated, but that’s OK, it was great!

    Things that made it out of our house:
    -drycleaning (finally, 2 weeks late!)
    -a case of chai concentrate for my Mum
    -my Mum’s birthday present
    -more recycling – the paper just amazes me!

    However, a lot more made it in, as my giant food co-op order came in, with 4 months worth of shelf food.

    But the best part was my early birthday gift from my parents, now hanging proudly on my wall. 🙂

    • Debbie, sounds like a great weekend. I’d love to see the birthday gift! I can imagine a bulk food order is so much more efficient in terms of both time and money saved. What a great idea!


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