The Difference Between Intuition and Mental Chatter

Yesterday we talked about intuition versus the rational mind. I asked you, can you tell the difference? If you’ve been ignoring your intuition, it is sometimes hard to hear again. Worse yet, your mental chatter may be drowning it out.

Intuition shows up differently for people, but here are some guidelines to help:

Tightness versus Expansion

Intuition is expansive. It can feel more loving, encouraging and filled with possibility. Mental chatter often creates tightness in your head. It can even give you a headache.

Soft versus Loud

Intuition can show up as a quiet whisper or as no voice at all.  Some people feel intuition as a wave of knowing washing over them. Others feel it in the core of their stomach, often called “a gut feeling”. Mental chatter, by contrast, can be deafening in its loudness.

Peace versus Angst

Intuition usually comes with a sense of peace in its knowing (even if the intuition is giving you a strong “no” about something).  Mental chatter comes with angst. It is swimming in “what if’s” and worry and limiting stories of “I can’t” or “I’m not good enough.”

Clarity versus Confusion

Intuition feels more grounding and clear whereas mental chatter feels more confusing. Intuition doesn’t always make logical sense, whereas mental chatter is looking for proof and what happened in the past as the predictor of the future.

Intuition can show up in a split-second flash of inspiration, whereas mental chatter often hangs around and nags.

As a general guide, if the voice inspires and brings you peace, it’s likely intuition. If it deflates and creates anxiety in you, it’s likely mental chatter.

Did that help? I’d love to know how intuition shows up for you and how you distinguish between the two. Please share in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

Supporting your intuitive wisdom,


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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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