How to Use Movement to Access Solutions in Your Life


Have you ever “hit a wall in life” and just need to go for a walk? It’s no surprise your body intuitively tells you that.

Movement clears your mind and also helps release low-level energy from your body.  It shakes things up and allows you time and space for reflection.

I’ve been playing with something very cool.  At the start of every walk, I pose a question to the Universe and several times on the walk I keep asking the question or ask the next question that shows up in my awareness to be asked. Then I go about enjoying the scenery around me and just notice what unfolds.

Without fail, by the time my walk is up, I have a new idea, a new solution or a new perspective to consider.  I’ve been exploring different questions and am getting some pretty fabulous guidance.  I come back from my walk:

  1. energized
  2. inspired
  3. more peaceful and
  4. more trusting

It’s like **I KNOW** I’m being divinely guided.

When we become aware of how wisdom travels through our bodies, everything changes.  Movement isn’t something we do to ourselves, it is a pathway we travel to live our magic.

Try it today. Start to use your movement in a different way.  Before you begin your walk or other type of movement, as yourself:

What would it take for {insert desired result in your life}?

For example:

  • What would it take for money to flow into my life to pay off this debt?
  • What would it take for me to feel happier at work?
  • What would it take for me to feel more peace in my body?
  • What would it take for me to lovingly use my voice in my relationship?

Then listen patiently and quietly as you go about your movement.  And don’t dismiss anything that shows up, even those thoughts that at first seem unrelated.

Everything is connected.  Everything is energy.

The more you do this and act on the wisdom you receive, the more you are guided.  So play around and see what happens.  I’d love to hear what you discover!  Leave a comment below!

Want to get moving and flowing more in your life?

I have two exciting events to share.

5-Day Fresh Start

Sign up for my free 5-Day Fresh Start. Each morning for 5 days, you’ll receive encouragement and wellness tips to get you moving and taking better care of yourself. The wisdom is simple and easy to implement.

5-Day Fresh Start

Wellness Webinar

I’m hosting a wellness webinar where I share my personal journey in Building a Wellness Lifestyle that is Fun, Do-able and Inspiring. This is for you if you’re struggling to put yourself first and paying the price in low-energy, illness, weight gain or overall discontent.

I am passionately committed to helping soulful women thrive in their bodies and lives. Let’s get you flowing.

Love and sparkling energy,


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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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