When You Find Yourself in Crisis

A diagnosis.  A death.  A marital upset.  A sudden job loss.  A natural disaster.

My friend, crisis can rock your world.  It can change your life in a heartbeat and leave you wondering, “Why me?” It can take you the darkest place inside your soul… and have you experience what seems like unbearable pain. Just when you think “I can’t get back up… I can’t go on…” you discover something.

You can.

You let go and surrender.  You find strength you didn’t know you had.  You meet people who are your human angels.  You discover a peace inside you, despite the bleak circumstances staring you down.

We fear crisis and yet crisis can be our greatest gift.

Crisis can re-align hearts.  It can show you where you’ve lost touch with yourself or others.  It can help you quickly shed what’s not serving you and connect you again to the people and things that matter most.

Life is not without upset.  The path is not always straight and smooth.  But we can take great comfort in knowing that no matter what, we are always being guided.  We are not alone.  The Universe is constantly bringing us gifts that show us we are loved, safe and cared for.

When you find yourself in crisis, look for the gifts.  Unwrap them.

They are precious and will lead you to your next step, even having you believe in miracles and magic that you didn’t see in your previous day-to-day life.

More and more women coming to me for life coaching are dealing with a crisis of some sort.  I invite them in with open arms.  I help them move through their challenges with ease and grace.  And I show them:

1. how their thinking (conscious or unconscious) may have actually led to the crisis in some cases;

2. their pathway forward to both heal AND thrive from that crisis, regardless of why it showed up.

This isn’t about blame, but to realize we are powerful creators.  We can rise again and thrive.  Yes, THRIVE!

Do we need crisis to turn our lives around?

Not at all.  But if you’re facing one, aligning your mind, energy and body can free you to move forward.  Reach out to me or someone else who can help.

Because within that crisis is a solution. One with your name on it – just waiting to be brought to life.

Helping you see your next sparkling step,


Affirmation: I can breathe and move through crisis with grace and ease. The Universe has my back.

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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