How to Turn Around a Bad Day in a Heartbeat

We all have them.  Bad days.

You sleep in, stub your toe as you get out of bed quickly, can’t find anything to wear, get your period unexpectedly, drag your kids who are extra poky, find out your car needs $2000 in repairs instead of $200, and fight with your coffee maker that decides today is the day for the built-in grinder to jam.

A lovely day… and it’s only 7:35 am.

You start talking to friends and co-workers telling them the details of your bad day. They agree and share details of their bad day. So you share some more and of course, the day now needs to prove you right.

So it brings you more sh*tty things. Plenty more. And by noon you have a massive headache and are ready to call it quits.

Been there?

Me too – this morning.

And I highly recommend calling it quits. But not on yourself or life.

Call it quits on calling this a bad day — unless of course you really want the whole day to be one negative experience after another.

Your day isn’t the problem, it’s your energy.

A bad day is nothing more than you showing resistance to what is unfolding. It tells of the negative meaning you assign to events that, in and of themselves, have no meaning (more on that in future blog posts).

But when you are in the thick of that “bad day”, it’s hard to hear these words. Screw the positive talk. You really want to blame the day instead of take responsibility for your own energy (which the day is simply out-picturing for you). Right?

You have a choice. Continue to poo on the day or turn it around.

Here are two simple steps to turn around a bad day:

Step #1: Remember who owns your power.

Whenever you declare something outside of yourself as being responsible for your experience, you just gave it your power. Do you really want to give your power away today?

To a bed post? No
To beautiful but tired children? No
To a coffee maker? No
To some car repairs? NOOOOOO

Excellent.  Now that you are back in charge, on with step #2.

Step #2: Change your mind about today.

For today to turn around, you have to release the pattern you’re in that says, “Today is a bad day”.

So instead of telling another soul (including yourself) about your bad day, start saying:

“My day is turning around. It didn’t start well, but it’s improving from here. I am looking at the bright side. I’m ready for good things to unfold. I know they can. I’m open to them happening right now. I can feel the shift in my body. I am back in the flow. I feel better already. I own my power. I own my reactions. I am in charge of me. Bring on the sunshine. Bring on the rain. I can handle it. I am flying. I feel so much better. Today is a great day.”

Deep breath.

Normally I would do these steps as part of a tapping sequence using EFT.  I promise you that if you repeat these statements as you tap on certain acupressure points, you will feel better as low-level energy releases.

Shift your energy and your world shifts.

More to come on EFT very soon.

Remember, you’re a smart powerful woman.  You can turn anything around in a heartbeat.

Here’s to spinning on a dime,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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