All Is Well in Heaven

Tonight I attended a prayer service for a family friend of my parents who passed away. She was such an elegant, classy lady who valued family and our Ukrainian heritage. In so many ways she reminded me of my mom. Her children are like family to us — always warm and inviting.

With the strong incense in the church tickling my nose, I sang the haunting Ukrainian melodies I grew up on. I know them so well I could recite them in my sleep. They move me and take me to another place in my heart. In a surreal moment, I could feel my mom’s presence as I sang — a tear falling from my cheek.  It felt like home.

I have evolved from that religion, choosing a path of all-encompassing spirituality instead. Many times in the past when I’ve returned to our family church, I’ve not felt peace with my decision, but tonight was different.

I had a deep sense that I’m being guided and that all is well in heaven.

Sweet dreams,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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