A Simple Technique to Shift Your Energy From Contraction to Expansion

Can you tell when your energy is off? Do you know how to shift it?

While I’m a big fan of using energy healers to move energy, you can also help yourself right in this moment. One of the simplest ways to begin is by asking yourself,

“Is my energy expanded or contracted?”

When your energy is expansive, you feel light, optimistic, happy, peaceful, hopeful and alive.

When your energy is contracted, you feel heavy, frustrated, disappointed, bored, upset, sad or even anxious.

Check in with your body. It will instantly tell you which state you are in. Become aware of what that state feels like inside.

Contraction for example can show up as all sorts of aches, pains, tightness or general discomfort — headaches, neck tension, chest pain or tightness, shallow breaths, abdominal discomfort, back pain, hip tightness, knee pain and more. These ailments often show up when you are trying to control life and others, versus accepting what is.

Expansion feels euphoric, light, and peaceful. Your chest naturally wants to open, your head rises, you stand a little taller, your breath slows and deepens, and your body may feel tingles all over. There is a strength and alignment inside. You are trusting life and taking in its beauty and magic.

If you feel contracted and want to shift, follow these 4 simple steps.

1. Declare your desire to expand. Ask the Universe to open you.

2. Stand in open posture, arms out to the side with palms facing forward, and feet solidly hip-width apart.

3. Repeat these affirmations 3 times or until you feel a physical, emotional or mental shift.

I am safe to expand and embrace love.
I release what has contracted me.
I am ready to feel lighter and freer.
I breathe in trust as I begin opening.

 <repeat until you feel that shift inside>

4. Wrap your arms around yourself in gratitude for the energy shift you’ve just created.

Congratulations, it’s that simple. Try it.

Love and more love,

P.S. Everything you desire in your life  — health, love, abundance, peace, magic, synchronicity and success — happen when you are expansive. So go ahead, open up, stretch your arms, and try the above technique. You are worth it.

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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