7 Ways to Get Unstuck

It’s tough feeling stuck. Your motivation is low. You feel blah. And you think there is something wrong with you because it seems everyone around you is thriving, but you. I hate to paint a downer picture, but let’s be honest, feeling stuck sucks.

But, great news. Once you can admit that’s where you are, you can shift it.

Before we can look at how to get unstuck, we need to first acknowledge what’s going on.

In my experience, people get stuck for one of a few reasons:

1. They are denying a desire they have or truth they hold, pretending it isn’t important.

2. They are fighting against a core value, again ignoring its importance in their life.

3. They are disconnected from their Higher Wisdom (God, Universe, Divine) and relying only on their limited physical resources.

4. They are ignoring their body, its wisdom and the energy that flows through it.

Great, so how do we get unstuck?

1. Ask Yourself These Questions:

What desire am I denying?
What core value am I coming up against?
What wisdom is my body giving me that I’m ignoring?
And am I willing to make new decisions that honour my values and wisdom?

These are juicy questions that change everything. Sometimes, we need help getting to the answers. That’s where a trained coach like me comes in.

2. Get Moving

One of the easiest ways to get unstuck is to get active. As soon as you increase your activity, the energy in the body starts flowing again, no matter what kind of movement it is. Will it clear all energy blockages? Perhaps not, but it will help significantly. The crazy thing is it doesn’t need to be hardcore or lengthy. My 6:30 yoga is gentle, but gosh it ignites my energy. Start somewhere. ANYWHERE. Start with 5 or 10 minutes if you haven’t exercised in a while. The point is get moving!

3. Declutter

Clutter holds energy.  Whenever I’m stuck (creatively, emotionally or physically) I look around at my environment and without fail there is clutter to be found that is stealing my energy. That is why a continuous practice of decluttering is so important. Clutter isn’t bad. It just reflects who you once were, but aren’t any more. Time to move it along and notice how much lighter and clearer you feel.

4. Connect to your Source

Connecting back to your Higher Wisdom can move mountains in your world. And you don’t need to sit in a church to achieve this (but you can).  Some people find God in nature, others through a quiet morning meditation, others through candle lighting and journaling. The point is, allow yourself the quiet time to go within and hear the wisdom that is yours to hear. Time spent centering is probably the greatest investment you can make if you seek happiness and peace.

5. Tap

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a brilliant way to get unstuck by tapping on certain acupressure points as you say negative and then positive statements. You can shift from being in a negative state to finding a beautiful state of peace within a matter of minutes. If you are new to tapping, visit The Tapping Solution. I create custom tapping sequences for my clients and many report dramatic shifts in energy. The more you do it, the better you feel and the quicker you can get yourself back on track.

6. High-Grade your Food

It’s no shock that garbage in  =  garbage out. The higher the quality of your food, the more energy you have, and the better you feel. If you are feeling stuck, it’s time to evaluate your eating. Even small changes in evolving your plate will go a long way. Soon I’ll be sharing how I’ve evolved my plate over the last decade and the HUGE difference it’s made.

7. Visit a Healer

Seeing an energy healer, Reiki practitioner, Qigong master or other energy practitioner can be a wonderful addition to your own self care. I’ve come to realize it’s essential to my health AND my ability to serve my clients. I have names of people in the Calgary area or intuitive healers that work remotely if you are interested. Just contact me.

Tomorrow, I’ll share a fun list on ways to get back in the flow. Sometimes we beat ourselves up for being stuck — as if we should have our life more together. Heck, I don’t know any person who doesn’t go through a phase of “stuck-ness”. It’s normal and sometimes essential… the breakdown before the breakthrough. So tomorrow we lighten up the conversation and make it fun to “un-stick” ourselves!

Here’s to fun and flow,


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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

2 thoughts on “7 Ways to Get Unstuck”

  1. Thanks for this great reminder. It hit the nail on the head…My energy is so stuck that I am beginning to bloat…Love and Light your way…

    • Geriann, thanks for commenting! Yes, that feeling of being stuck is not pleasant is it? But the good thing is we can shift that quickly. What’s one step you can take today — either in thought or action?

      I’m here to support you.

      Sending flowing energy your way,


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