5 Qualities I am Deeply Committed To

Yesterday I asked the question, What are you deeply committed to? I don’t know about you but my journal was on fire… and the list was long!

I promised to share, so here are…

5 qualities I’m deeply committed to:

1. Wellbeing

I invest a lot of my waking energy on being well — physically, emotionally, spiritually and, most recently, energetically. Ten years ago I would have sacrificed my health to meet a corporate deadline. I would have stuffed something inside that caused me emotional grief and let it brew instead of dealing with it. And I definitely didn’t understand the importance of energy alignment and chakra balancing. Today these are non-negotiable in my world. My body is my sacred vessel through which I experience the world. My heart is the temple that stores all of my treasures. My energy is the currency that attracts my reality.

2. Connection to the Divine

We are all connected to a Higher Power (God, Universe, Divine) whether we know it or not. I have lived periods of my life as a non-believer and they were the hardest years of my life. Today, I feel my God up close and personal. When I remember that my life is a co-creation with the Universe, I flow through life with ease, lightness and a vibrant sense that all is well and I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. There is no worry, just a deep sense of trust – and synchronicities and miracles  happen daily. When I try to go it alone, I stumble. I see limitation and life feels hard. Who wants to live that way? Not me!

3. Creative Expression

I am an artist. So are you. I love to dream and then manifest these creations into the world. Songs, writing, dances, creative ways to parent, coaching programs, planning my family’s finances — these are all art in my world. The more I allow my creativity, the more ideas I have. The happier and healthier I am.

4. Love

I am deeply committed to living from a place of love and non-judgment. This is an area I work on daily  — first with myself, my family and every other person that comes into my world. When I judge, I know my story has taken over. I know I’m not seeing the bigger picture. So for me, love is about expansiveness – a soft opening of the heart.  Love is bigger. It can heal so much if we let it in.

5. Legacy

I have this deep desire to build a legacy that I pass on to others. Every day I get to be a parent, I know my legacy lives on in my daughter. Each time I share a visualization or meditation with a client, I see a piece of the wisdom I received from the Divine passed on. Every time I hear a song I’ve written, I know that melody lingers in the hearts of those it speaks to. I love how we don’t truly “own” any piece of wisdom, creation, abundance or love — it just flows through us for us to shape and pass on.

Call me a dreamer, but I believe we all deserve to live richly and share our sparkle with the world. That is what I am deeply committed to. All of these qualities combine to create one magical life.

P.S. Which of these qualities speak most to you?

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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