“Where the Heck Have You Been?”

Someone asked me that the other day. Well… the answer is, in Heaven.

It all started in May when I was sitting on the beach in Maui with my journal. And as I glanced around at many women who appeared to look so uncomfortable in their own skin, I felt sad. Why does this have to be that we treat ourselves poorly? Why can’t wellness be a priority in our own lives? Where did we lose our sense of self?

And immediately I was struck with this flash of inspiration to run a summer women’s wellness program.

I didn’t know how it would turn out, I didn’t know who would show up, but I knew to trust the divine inspiration I had been given. So I came home, poured my heart into a little website, announced the program on Facebook and… well… I’ve been in a whirlwind of excitement ever since.

Today I have 38 incredible women journeying with me on an amazing path of nourishment, exercise, self-care — and perhaps most importantly, self-love. Every day I’m in awe of the shifts. Every day there is something to celebrate in the group. Every day I learn a bit more about myself and my life’s path.

I grew up thinking that wellness was merely the absence of illness. That is, you were healthy if you weren’t sick.

But I’ve come to know that’s only the first step on the wellness continuum. There is so much more.

Wellness is the foundation for a rich juicy life.

And for me, it has become my life. It’s no longer the means to an end. I’m not looking to be well just so that I can function day to day. I used to think that, and so guess what, ‘function’ is all I got. I don’t believe that anymore.

There is something so delicious about living a wellness lifestyle — one that see the body, mind and heart flourishing. One where every day is a curious discovery and decisions are made to support vitality and a deepening of the heart.

I’m committed to sharing that experience with others — helping people adopt that lifestyle for themselves and see how much richer their lives become.

What’s amazing to me is how much I know in this area — both the practical and the profound. It’s like everything in my life experiences to date has prepared me for this. That’s when I can truly look back on my life with gratitude. It’s all good. It’s all God.

I’ve teamed up with H-TRIO because this is a company on a mission to improve lives through both workshops and products. They believe in a wholistic view of wellness and a pay it forward mentality of creating positive differences in other people’s lives. It’s a naturally fit for me and one that I’m excited to share with you.

So, that’s where I’ve been. That’s where I be! 🙂

Thanks for following along and making my life richer just by being you.

With love,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

4 thoughts on ““Where the Heck Have You Been?””

  1. Oh, Paula, you are a true light and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting us on this journey and traveling along with us. It has been a great, growing, deepening and enlighening trip so far. Can’t wait to find out what will be next. I’m ready! 🙂

    • You are very welcome Karry Ann. Thank you for sharing! (And welcome to my blog!) It is me who feels truly blessed. I’m right alongside all of you, experiencing my own deepening and baby step wins! Much love, Paula

  2. You’ve been missed, thanks for the update, and the inspiration. Your words struck a chord, I’m not sick, but I could be so much better. I’m off to put on my runners and take the dog for a brisk walk.

  3. Good for you! I’ll be talking alot going forward on how we become the most sparkling women we can be — both inside and out!

    Thanks for your comment about being missed. It’s a reminder for me that I matter. We matter.

    With love,


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