The Trick for Managing Your Halloween Treats

Okay, I’m curious… who’s dipped into their stash of Halloween treats already? One year, I dipped in so early (heck they are in stores in September) that I had to go buy more treats before Halloween even arrived.  Ever done that? EEK!

Fortunately, the last few years have been tamer. Why? Because I’ve become crystal clear that I don’t want to throw myself off track. It’s just not worth it. I don’t believe in diets or deprivation, but I’m not interested in derailing myself either. I believe in living “middle”, which means mostly healthy eating with occasional treats.

When it comes to managing your Halloween treat consumption, here’s a simple trick. I taught a client this last year and it really helped her. If one person avoids the total binge, this share will be worth it.

The Trick for Your Managing Your Treats

1. Decide how many treats you are having in advance

(I.e. is it a small handful, one a day, or just one or two total? Whatever you decide, make peace with the amount.)

2. Find a small bowl or plastic bag to place all of them in.

3. Write a note and place it at the bottom of the bowl. 

Something like this:

Hi beautiful! Thanks for allowing me the treats.
They were yummy, but my figure is yummier.
So I’m done with the treats now. Thanks for honouring
what we want most for this beautiful body.

4. Place your treats on top of the note in the bowl.

5. Take a picture of all of them before you eat your first one. 

Yes, snap, snap!

6. Once they are gone, read the note. 

Close your eyes and declare the treats done. Honour this sacred promise.

Why take a picture? Because it helps your mind to see that you are treating yourself. And you get a visual on the total you are eating. It’s when we sneak a few here and there that we lose count and the sabotaging behavior kicks in. When nothing is hidden, it’s easier to honour your Highest Good.

Oh, and pick good ones. I don’t know how many times I’ve eaten a Halloween treat and mid-chew I’m wondering why the heck I’m eating it. If you are going to treat yourself, pick ones you love. Make the treat worth it.

It may seem silly to go through this ritual with the bowl, note and picture. But when you sail through the week honouring yourself with just a few treats as opposed to a bunch that end up on your behind, it won’t seem so silly. Yes?

Let your self-love be the real treat.

Hugs & love,


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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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