Never Say Never

I took my daughter and niece to see the Justin Bieber movie, Never Say Never. Other than him being a heartthrob to millions of starry-eyed girls, I didn’t know much about Justin before last night.

I found out he’s a really cool kid (and a talented drummer) who loves to have fun both on stage and off. I found out he believed in himself and his dream long before others did and kept that conviction going. I didn’t realize how fast he went from being a boy pitching songs at radio DJs to complete stardom.

While sitting at a Taylor Swift concert, Justin told his talent scout that he could be ready to sell out Madison Square Gardens in a year. His scout cautioned him that a year was optimistic. After all, it was Madison Square Gardens. Justin repeated, I can do this in a year. And he did.

Yet even he found his limits. A few days before his sold-out concert, he was forced into voice rest. No talking or singing. His body needed to rest. But that didn’t stop his spirit. He reached out to his millions of fans on Twitter. Sure enough the support came pouring in. And he went on to sing an amazing concert.

As I lay in bed last night, I reached deep inside myself and asked, What do I believe I can do? What do I have such personal conviction about that nothing can stop me?

All was silent.

I asked again.

(I could almost hear my echo inside…)

Then out of the corners peeped a few whispers about wishes, hopes and faint dreams.


So shy they were. Hardly the conviction I was hoping for.

There’s much work to be done here, I thought.

You see, we don’t need to dream of stardom, but it sure helps to have a dream juicy enough that it propels us forward beyond obstacles that might otherwise stop us. And it sure helps to believe in ourselves and be surrounded by others who believe in us too.

Do you believe in your dreams? What juicy dream are you working toward? Do you believe that you are unstoppable in pursuing it?

One way to build belief in ourselves is to honour our personal commitments. A dream is just a series of personal commitments that we fulfill (plus a little magic from the Universe!)

If we can keep our personal commitments and believe in possibility in the face of resistance, then we can have our dreams. That’s why I LOVE my monthly journeys. They teach daily commitment. My next one starts Tuesday March 1st. The theme is morning rituals — committing to a simple morning routine that supports and nurtures you. One that starts your day joyfully on the right path. You get to define what that looks like. Will you join me? More details later today.

Love and sparkling light,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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