March Journey: A.M. BLISS

Do you notice when your mornings start off peaceful and serene (versus rushed or frantic), your whole day usually flows so much better?

I do. And it’s not by accident. How we frame our day in the first hour of waking really can influence our entire day. That’s why I’m so excited to begin our March Journey called A.M. Bliss. Here’s how it works:

Define Your Morning Routine

You define a few morning rituals that you will embrace every day for the next 30 days. These rituals should be activities that are nurturing, peaceful, connected and help you start your day energized and joyful. They can include things like:

  • setting a powerful intention for the day
  • journaling
  • reading
  • meditating
  • sitting quietly with a cup of tea
  • taking your vitamins with water then reading a powerful wellness affirmation
  • exercise, yoga, stretching
  • making a list of your top 3 priorities for the day
  • listening to music that gets you all fired up
  • enjoying a nutritional breakfast like a green smoothie.

Before you pick what your morning routine would look like, contemplate the words A.M. BLISS. What routine would help you create a morning that was complete bliss for you?  That’s what we are after. It doesn’t need to be a long routine — just a few simple steps that you treat as sacred rituals and apply every day for the next month.

Don’t have time?

Challenge yourself on that response. If you have children and a job to rush off to in the morning, consider waking up 15 minutes or half an hour earlier (which likely means going to bed earlier as well.) The point is to start your day from a rich connected place that the whole day can then flow from.

How to Play

Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing my morning routine. You can too. Then everyday in March, come back to the blog to report your success, included any tweaks you need to make to your routine as you go. I’d suggest you only pick a few rituals. The point is loving consistency, not overload. 🙂

I can’t wait to see how this A.M. Bliss influences our daily living!

Love and sparkling energy,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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