Live Your Sparkle

We all have it… a unique sparkle.

Often we can see it more easily in others than in ourselves. People who are comfortable in their own skin. People who look great and others want to know, “What’s their secret?” People who are doing what they love and with such passion that others say, “Must be nice.”

It is nice. It’s awesome, and it’s possible for more than just the ‘lucky’ few.

Living your sparkle is about being your best YOU.

It’s about looking and feeling fabulous in a body you adore and nurture. It’s about discovering your greatest gifts and passions and then living them out loud. It’s about surrounding yourself with people that inspire, love and believe in you… beyond any story that keeps you small. It’s about stretching to the edges of your comfort zone and then grabbing your wings because it’s time to fly.

It’s about living for something more than a pay cheque or holiday. It’s about celebrating every moment and day by day, authoring an autobiography so juicy that even you can’t put it down when you read it at the end of your life.

It’s about becoming your biggest fan — giving first to yourself, and then to others, knowing that the greatest gift you offer is a whole, complete, happy YOU.

Sparkle goes beyond the perfect body, house, car, spouse or job.

It is not contrived or manufactured. It’s not sold in a bottle or on a shopping rack (although let’s face it, clothes that show off your sexy curves rock!) It’s not limited to a particular class, age, race or country. It knows no borders and it definitely does not have “should”, “can’t”, “never”, “realistic” or “not enough” in its vocabulary. It’s what many people spend a lifetime longing for not realizing it was inside them all along to enjoy.

That all sounds wonderful but how do we live it? How do you tap into your sparkle?

Quite simply, you choose.

You choose to make yourself a priority,
nourishing your body, heart and mind.

You choose to have more faith in your dreams
than your past stories or excuses.

You choose to take consistent inspired action,
discovering that self-love grows as you do.

You choose to get clear on what’s most important
and have a weekly schedule that proves it.

You choose to live with intention and then
gather evidence that your intentions are manifesting.

You choose to surround yourself with things and
people that excite you, and then ride that energy to the stars.

You choose to create space for opportunities to find you.
And you say, ‘Hell Yes’ when they arrive!

You choose to wake up and be WOW’ed by life,
anticipating synchronicities and every day miracles.

You choose to let life lead you,
trusting your heart’s wisdom as your sage guide.

And you choose to live your sparkle,
knowing that no one can live it for you.

Your sparkle is like your soul’s DNA. No one can replicate it. If you hide it, the world misses out. You miss out.

So, what do you say? Ready to sparkle? 

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

2 thoughts on “Live Your Sparkle”

  1. Dear Paula,

    This is a phenomenal blog post. Choice is so powerful, it is the answer to what serves us and holds us back.

    Right now I can choose to be stuck OR a much better choice is to step forward and sparkle on my terms.

    Thank you for a beautiful and timely post.

    Hugs & Love
    Lee xoxox

  2. Thank you! So true dear Lee. We choose. And then we choose again! We are always re-aligning, re-committing, and re-deciding! I love that about life.

    And yes, that’s the thing about sparkle. Everyone has a unqiue sparkle. No one can steal yours or live it for you. That’s why ‘competition’ between people is a fallacy.

    When you are stuck, breathe. Lean in. Rest if you must. Then gather up the courage to declare this moment a turning point. In a heart beat, the world can look different and sparkle again you can.

    Lots of love,


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