Declutter Day 4: Small Wins Add Up

I’m making great progress in my office. Each day I address just a few papers. These are small wins, but they add up. And my energy is picking up as a result. It feels wonderful to already be seeing more space.

It’s easier (and more efficient) to keep something in motion than to start, stop and start it again. That’s why I set up this 30-day journey. Small, manageable steps each day can result in noticeable progress in just one month. Think what we could accomplish in a year!

Whether we are clearing clutter, embarking on a fitness program, learning a new craft, or building our dream life, consistency over a long period of time is the key. 


What’s your win for today? Big or little, it’s a win. Give yourself a hug!

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

6 thoughts on “Declutter Day 4: Small Wins Add Up”

  1. Hey Paula,
    I have been silent on your beautiful journey, but wanted to check in from fabulous healing Miraval in Arizona. As I have been away at retreat, I haven’t had occasion to physically declutter but I have been doing energetic clearing like crazy! What a gift to give myself the space to clear…and from that clean slate, I now have the space for unlimited creation.
    So powerful…thanks for leading us on this important journey!
    Love, Shannon

  2. Last night was another small drawer cleaned out. Baby steps. 🙂

    Then I needed to sit and put my focus into something quiet while the boys slept, so I worked on a complicated shawl that originally had me tearing my hair out. 4 more rows tackled, hundreds left, but still a feeling of accomplishment.

  3. YAY to baby steps! I’d love to see the shawl. Sounds like work of art in progress.

    I love quiet work… such a nice contrast to the vibrant energy of our children.

  4. Tuesday my husband took the Boxes to the Goodwill. Great to get them out of the house. Been holding on to many things for too long.

    • Yes, I felt the same wonderful feeling when boxes left my house. I still have many in the basement from my parent’s home. Both parents have now passed, and so it’s time to go through those boxes to decide what I really want and what to let go of. I didn’t get to them in this 30 day journey but they are on my Freedom List!


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