Are Your Incompletions Killing Your Confidence?

I want to share something that has the potential to dramatically boost (or kill) your confidence.

Ever watch a cat see something shiny?

It stops what it’s doing and begins chasing the bling bling.  Then something else shinier catches its attention and… you guessed it… bling bling BLING!

While that’s fun and entertaining if you are a cat, as a human it can actually lead to a lot of stress if it becomes your way of being.


Because it creates a series of incompletions in your life — things half started draining your energy.

You know, the half done re-modeling project, or the half-attempted diet plan, or the half-completed photo album or the half-muttered argument, or the half-finished business plan or the half-read book.

Every time you start something and don’t complete it, your confidence takes a hit.

You are unconsciously saying to yourself, “Self, you can’t follow through.”  And often your internal confidence meter is keeping track of these as evidence that you’re not good enough.

Follow-through brings peace, pride, a sense of accomplishment and therefore, a huge boost to your confidence.

(And for those of you soulful entrepreneurs, follow-through is cash flow.  It’s your sustenance.)

Why You Don’t Finish

It’s easy to keep beginning new things and not finish what you started.  For me, newness is fresh and exciting.  I have a new idea every 10 seconds.  I love creating.  I love brainstorming.

Finishing??  Not so exciting.  Sometimes painful, in fact, I’d rather someone else do that.  Just make it go away.  Can you relate?

Sometimes (and here’s the sneaky part), your internal saboteur doesn’t want you to finish something and win, because it just lost some power.

And yet, finishing is essential.  Energetically, it completes the circle.  It creates harmony and balance in you and the world, and avoids any energy drain.

I invite you to create a list of things that are incomplete for you.

  • What’s half done?
  • What things have you promised others that you haven’t attended to yet?
  • What conversations are waiting to be had?
  • What projects really need to be completed or declared over and put away for good?
  • What dream have you been giving only half your attention to?

I definitely have a list and this week I commit to addressing 3 things on it.

What about you?  What’s one thing to complete this next week?  I’d love to support you.



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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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