AM Bliss Day 4: Be Flexible

I can be flexible enough to bend with the circumstances. No problem.

In some ways, this picture sums up how my morning may have looked to the outside world — a little chaotic, multi-tasked and upside down. And yet it was brilliantly productive. I decided last night to get up early and do some serious power writing on my client’s annual report BEFORE my AM Bliss routine. I needed to set myself and my designers up for success today.

I asked myself, “Are you sure you want to do this? You know how work can go. Next thing you know, it’s 4 pm and you’ve missed your window of opportunity for exercise and quiet time.”

“This time it will be different,” I said.

And that wise sage said, “You sure?”


“Okay, then write yourself a note of permission.”


“Because this needs to be a conscious deviation from our little plan — not something where the day runs away from you and you haven’t taken care of yourself.”

So there I was, muttering under my breath at how ridiculous this felt. But I did it. I wrote myself a permission note to do my work first. I gave myself reasonable boundaries, a time allotment and by the time I completed this little exercise, I was thanking myself for honouring me.

Hmmm… it actually felt good. I was filled with a sense that I could get it all done. This didn’t need to be stressful or a struggle. It could all go down with peaceful, joyful flow.

I finished my writing at 11 am, sent it off to my fabulous designers, hopped on the treadmill for some exercise, and then ended my morning routine with quiet, relaxing stretches and a hot shower. Not bad for an upside down morning.

Thanks to all of you who nudged me by email to say, “Where’s the AM Bliss?” Oh, she happened alright. In perfect order.

The lesson: be flexible.

Build a plan, stick to it as much as possible, but also know when to deviate. The 80/20 rule. AND most important, return back to the plan with new insight for having deviated. There’s always a gem in our detours — always.

It occurs to me that some of you might not understand the significance of the permission note. I didn’t at first either. Yet know that my work has come ahead of so many things in my life. So it’s a completely new and wonderful behavior to be in different relation to it — to give it boundaries and check in with myself first before I just plow ahead.

We change our lives one bend at a time.

Lots of love,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

2 thoughts on “AM Bliss Day 4: Be Flexible”

  1. Paula …

    Your AM Bliss Day 4 strikes a chord with me on many levels! The main ones are: to give yourself permission to digress somewhat from your normal routine … permission to actually write yourself a permission note … permission to go with the flow … permission to be flexible … permission to make quality out of what others or yourself may feel is chaos … permission to listen – HEAR – respond to yourself .. permission to tend to one’s ever-changing needs …

    By allowing yourself these permissions,you were able to be personally proactive and not reactive. You accomplished considerably more than what you had originally planned – Yes, you completed your work writing and treated yourself with some exercise and stretching followed up by a delightful hot shower … But, more importantly Paula, you took a strong positive step on your journey by listening to, respecting, and honouring yourself!

    It has often been said that out of ‘chaos’ comes inner strength and beauty … Paula, your inner strength and beauty is a sight to behold!


    • Thanks for this Murray! It’s so powerful to have someone like you witness my journey — in all its twists and turns — and then reflect back the brilliance you see. I gain considerably strength and momentum knowing I have such an amazing cast of angels to play with… including you!

      Much love,


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