30 Oprah Truths To Embrace Daily

Seeing Oprah in Calgary was a dream come true. One more thing crossed off my bucket list! She was so inspiring, warm and real — definitely worth every penny. And, as you can see, it was a pretty penny.

Oprah confirmed all that I believe. She reflected back to me truths I live by and teach my clients. And she even helped bring to my awareness a few areas of my life where I’m not 100% aligned.

There have been periods in my life where I’ve questioned my beliefs around spirituality, energy, law of attraction and intuition. It’s been a healthy questioning because I rise from those times with conviction and clarity. But, when one of the most powerful women in the world reaffirms my beliefs and can site examples from her own life demonstrating their power, the believer in me raises her hands with a big Hell Yeah!

I promised some of my coaching clients that I’d share any big AHAs. Honestly, I didn’t learn new information. The AHA was the awareness that I’ve evolved as a person in the last decade to truly live these. And I have great awareness around where I still need to close the gap between what I know and what I live.

Here are 30 truths Oprah shared, like she was sitting in my living room:

1. That little voice inside – that is where you and I are equal. We both have it. I’ve been listening to that little voice all my life. Back then I didn’t know it was Spirit. Now I do.

2. I am a whisper on the breath of God.

3. God does not require your belief. God requires your experience.

4. Purpose is the thread that connects all the moments of your life. It is not one thing. It is the defining thread.

5. You were not born to have gifts that you keep for yourself. When you begin using your life to be in service to others, everything shifts. That is the ultimate calling.

6. There is a lesson in everything.  Look to yourself first to figure out what the lesson is.

7. People want to know they matter. Regardless who I had on my show, from the father that murdered his kids, to the child molester, to Tom Cruise or Beyoncé, everyone wanted to know, “Did I do okay? How was I?”

8. Your beliefs are the lens through which you see the world.

9. “Whatever follows “I am” will come looking for you.” Pastor Joel Olsteen

10. Everything you do is already done to you.

11. When you are not sure what to do, do nothing. You can’t know what to do until you get still.

12. Wanting a situation to be what it isn’t is the definition of stress.

13. When you are meddling in other people’s business, you have no power. Your energy field only works with you. Wanting someone to be different is a waste of your time.

14. Failure is just pointing you in a new direction.

15. Nothing anybody says is any worse that what you already feel about yourself.

16. Be still and know where the God power resides in you.

17. Instinct is your personal guidance system. When you ignore your personal GPS, you get lost.

18. Life speaks in whispers first. Don’t wait for it to become a problem or full-blown crisis.

19. You can’t feel your instinct if you are disconnected from your body.

20. When things aren’t happening in your life, it is because you are holding on and resisting.  “Please God help me to release this.”

21. Education is the open door to freedom.

22. At the deepest level, there are only two emotions: love and fear. Everything else is a version of them.

23. Gratitude is the single biggest thing in changing your energy field from negative to positive.

24. Every day matters. It’s how you exchange your energy.

25. “The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are.”  Joseph Campbell

26. “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Maya Angelou

27. Your daily work is to get still. Build a daily practice.

28. I don’t believe in coincidence. Miracles are happening in your life all the time if you look.

29. Others aren’t your competition. You are the competition.

30. It doesn’t matter what others do to you. Can you trust yourself?

Share your Thoughts

I’d love to know, which one speaks most to you right now? These are the ones that had me sit up and nod. Share yours in the comments below. I’ll be sure to respond.

Keep sparkling,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

2 thoughts on “30 Oprah Truths To Embrace Daily”

  1. I love all these Paula, but one that was huge when I first learned it was- when people tell you who they are believe them.

    My favorite today is: whatever follows I am will come looking for you. So good.

    • Awesome Maggie! #11 and #27 have become my daily practise. Be still and don’t act until I know and can feel that knowing within me.

      Have a fabulous “I AM” day! I am touched you shared your sparkle with me today.

      Hugs, Paula


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