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As a Money & Business Coach, I understand what it’s like to feel like you can’t invest in your business right now. It’s kinda a catch-22, right? Sometimes you need the guidance and accountability to do things differently to make more money. And yet it feels like you don’t have the money to begin, or the timing isn’t quite right.

Let me start by saying… You are worthy. You are deserving of success. And you have brilliance the world needs that is worthy of divine compensation.

So let me offer you a few resources:


Tapping for More Clients and Cash Flow

If you feel a block or inner resistance to being visible, charging your worth and making more money, these three powerful tapping scripts are a fabulous resource. EFT tapping is very effective at neutralizing negative thoughts that hold you back and then replacing them with positive, more expansive thoughts that help you get into alignment with abundance. Try them. My gift to you!

Abundant Soulpreneurs Facebook Group

I’ve created a high-vibrational group of smart, heart-centred female entrepreneurs who are committed to creating success from peace, flow and alignment. Receive daily posts in the group that remind you to focus on top priorities, keep it simple, adopt expansive money mindsets, take aligned actions and celebrate your successes. I promise it’s not filled with a bunch of selling, but rather support and love in a powerful, intimate sisterhood.

Focus & Flow Sessions

Once a month, I lead a group Focus & Flow by Zoom. It’s three hours of pure focus to help you get money-making tasks done with ease and flow. Complete important follow-ups, write a marketing email, outline a speech, tidy your inbox, declutter your office space and more. You walk away feeling accomplished, energized, and open to receiving more abundance. 
The value of a single Focus & Flow is $97. Because I’m committed to helping you get started, please use this one-time coupon code “GETSTARTED” on the check-out page to receive a $50 savings on this single session.