Is Your Money Story Supporting or Sabotaging You?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be flowing in money and some struggle? Or why some people clip out coupons and drive across town for the latest deal, while others buy only premium brands? Or why some people wish they didn’t have to think about money, while others focus daily on making more?

The answers are in your money story.

Each of us has a money story. It forms from information passed down from your family, societal messages and your innate patterns or Money Archetypes.

Money has an underlying current in everything you do – how you dress, how you care for yourself, what career path you choose, how you spend your time, where you vacation, who your friends are, what you believe about success, and more. Even when you aren’t consciously thinking about money, what you are thinking about is connected to your money story.

Its Origins

As children, we often didn’t know to question our money story. We took in information and made sense of our world as best we could. We received wisdom from our parents and other role models based on their belief systems. All of that formed our story and became implanted in our root chakra – the energy centre of safety and security at the base of our spines.

And yet this story isn’t set in stone. You and I have tremendous opportunity to reshape it.

Questioning Your Story

As you grow and awaken (regardless of your age), you get to revisit your money story with a curious mind and ask:

  • What is it I’m telling myself about money and success?
  • Is my current money story supporting or sabotaging me?
  • What do I WANT to BELIEVE about money and abundance?
  • If I believed those things wholeheartedly, what new decisions and actions would I take?

For example, if you believe you have to work hard for your money, your life will likely reflect that. Money won’t come easily. Even when you make a little extra, some unexpected expense like a car repair or tax bill will show up that eats the excess away.

Yet, there are people who always have money flowing to them. They win the local raffle draws, receive the hotel upgrades and more. They don’t believe in lack and they don’t believe hard work has to be part of the equation. In fact, even if they work a lot, their work is highly enjoyable, not a struggle.

Choosing Your New Money Story

The moment you can find one person who doesn’t share the same money story as you, you can know that what you believe is just a story and not TRUTH. It’s not like the laws of gravity that apply to everyone equally. You have the power to change your story, and you’ll want to, especially if the story you are telling yourself doesn’t match the life or financial picture you desire!

Your point of power in changing your money story and any other belief is to:

1) choose a more EMPOWERING BELIEF and
2) GATHER EVIDENCE of the new belief, not the old one.

Let’s take our example again:

Old Belief: I have to work hard for my money.
New Belief: Money and abundance flow to me with ease and grace.

As you take on the new belief, practice saying it every day. Look for evidence of that truth, either for yourself or others, and you will begin noticing money flowing. At first, it might be small, like a dime on the street, or a free coffee. Celebrate it all.

As you keep gathering evidence, your mind, which is designed to filter experiences, will begin honing in on those experiences that support your belief. New opportunities show up and you begin to value yourself more, which allows more money to flow with grace and ease.

Soon, the new belief will have more power than the old, and you can celebrate rewriting part of your money story – not only for yourself but for the generations you’ll pass it down to next. SUCCESS!

Want help changing your money story? Paula Onysko specializes in helping entrepreneurial and professional women empower their worth and rising wealth. Book a complimentary 30-minute Clarity Call to see how she can help you.

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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