Are You Sure You Don’t Know?

For the longest time I told myself, “I don’t know what I want. I don’t know where I’m going.” I even made it okay to not know, convincing myself this was some sort of refined state of spiritual allowing.

The truth is… I know what I want. I knew it back then too. I just convinced myself after a few failed attempts that I couldn’t make it happen. My ego took those ‘failures’ so personally. And therefore, in the absence of being able to fulfill THOSE dreams… yes, it’s true… I didn’t know what ELSE I wanted. I didn’t know where ELSE I was going.

That’s an important distinction to make — not knowing versus not being able to see how it’s possible.

I truly believe we all know what we want. If we don’t, it’s because we’ve created a wall between us and whatever it is we want, usually built in fear of failure (or success), or past attempts that didn’t give us the results we wanted. But if we get quiet enough, and truly admit what’s most important to us, the picture of what we want in our lives reveals itself once again.

Watch your language for the next week. Notice where you catch yourself saying, “I don’t know.”

And then ask yourself, “Is it true that I don’t know? Or do I know but just won’t say? Or do I know but just don’t know how to make it a reality?”

Deciphering between these states is such brilliant awareness for moving you forward in places you feel stuck.

P.S. It is okay to truly not know. We don’t have to have life all figured out. In fact, how boring would that be? Just be honest about what you do know for sure. 🙂

With love,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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