AM Bliss Day 14: Track Your Success

AM Bliss Day 14: Track Your Success

One effortless way to improve your results is to track your success. It’s Day 14, which means we’re half way through the journey. Of all the journeys I’ve led, this clearly has been my favourite so far. It’s had the greatest impact in shaping my days, increasing my awareness of my thoughts and how I spend …

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AM Bliss Day 13: Sun Speak

AM Bliss Day 13: Sun Speak

I awaken to simple yet profound messages from the sun. She is filled with wisdom and light for each of us to glean. If I can rise each day and shine my light, so can you.If I can find my way even through the darkest of clouds, so can you.If I can let go of yesterday’s …

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AM Bliss Day 12: Be Bold

AM Bliss Day 12: Be Bold

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”  — Johann Wolgang Von Goethe From the moment you wake up, be willing to be bold. Feel the energy that says, “Yes, you can do this!” and then reply “Just watch me!” When we shift our energy …

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AM Bliss Day 11: A Beautiful World

AM Bliss Day 11: A Beautiful World

We live in a beautiful world. A world so connected, so full of magic and miracles. A world of wonderment. My heart goes out to the people in Japan and around the world affected by the tsunami. Even in the face of tragedy, ordinary miracles are appearing. People are pulling together to help one another. Hearts unite …

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AM Bliss Day 9: But I’m Not a Morning Person

AM Bliss Day 9: But I’m Not a Morning Person

Recently I’ve heard this response from a few people. “I love your posts, but I’m not a morning person.” Great feedback! So, here’s my response. This journey is not about turning you into something you’re not — just the opposite. It’s about discovering your natural rhythm and working with that. Whether you wake up at …

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AM Bliss Day 8: Change One Thing

AM Bliss Day 8: Change One Thing

Everything is connected to everything else. Change one thing and watch the ripple effect transform your life. I’ve made one big change that is changing everything else. I’m going to sleep earlier. I’m unplugging from TV, internet and my cell phone earlier in the night in order to unwind properly before bed. As a result, …

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AM Bliss Day 7: Gentle Strength

AM Bliss Day 7: Gentle Strength

I am the beauty I see in this world. My gentle strength is undeniable. As I connect with my Source, I experience what blissful living is all about. This morning I awoke to my “gentle strength”.  I’m realizing its power to shape my life. If you read my post yesterday, you know that I was not …

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AM Bliss Day 6: Not So Fast

AM Bliss Day 6: Not So Fast

Pausing is not stopping. It’s taking a moment to catch your breath and soak in the scenery. It’s looking back on how far you’ve come in rich admiration for the journey. It’s setting your sights forward, making sure your wheels are ready to turn your heart in motion. I woke up today to a tired …

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AM Bliss Day 5: The Shift

AM Bliss Day 5: The Shift

I awaken to a quiet still morning. I’m just beginning to get my arms around this day. Whoa… It’s huge. I’m huge. Can you feel it? Something’s happening. I’m losing my sense for what I should say on this blog. I’m forgetting the faces of all of those “they” people… i.e. what will “they” think …

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AM Bliss Day 4: Be Flexible

AM Bliss Day 4: Be Flexible

I can be flexible enough to bend with the circumstances. No problem. In some ways, this picture sums up how my morning may have looked to the outside world — a little chaotic, multi-tasked and upside down. And yet it was brilliantly productive. I decided last night to get up early and do some serious power writing …

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AM Bliss Day 3: Sunrise Splash

AM Bliss Day 3: Sunrise Splash

“When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open and love steps forth to heal everything insight.” — Michael Bridge Today I feel like dancing. This picture captures the lightness and sparkle I feel inside — no …

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