Are Your Money Beliefs Outdated?

Have you ever thought about how old your money beliefs are and which ones still apply?

Think about it. What you know about money you were taught by your parents, who learned from their parents and so on. But the world your parents, grandparents and particularly, your great grandparents grew up in is VERY different than today.

There were no computers, no internet, and only a very simple banking system. You couldn’t make an automatic transaction by swiping your iPhone or credit card. And Paypal? What PayPal!

And the idea of transferring money by email would have been a totally foreign concept to your great grandparents. They carried a money clip.

It was indeed much harder to make money back then. Your grandparents couldn’t sell a product online to someone on the other side of the world and then see money magically show up in their bank account. Most were limited to their local market.

They only had a fraction of the job choices we have today. I remember going to my guidance counselor in grade 10 and him telling me about 8 job options. You know, the typical ones – doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher, accountant, engineer, vet, etc. If I were to go back and tell him the ways I make money now, it would blow him away:

  • Leading corporate courses on writing and wellness
  • Coaching executives on communication and leadership
  • Guiding entrepreneurs on money mastery and energy alignment
  • Delivering soul renewal weekends
  • Empowering women’s voices and self-worth

In so many ways, the world of possibilities for your money flow is exponential. And yet, unless you’ve done work to change it, your money story – what you believe about money – is at least one or two generations old and reflects the economy back then.

Can you see that?

It’s time to write a new story, otherwise you limit yourself.

Start Here with a New Money Story:

1. What belief do you have about money that you know is limiting you? 

(Hint: When you think that thought it doesn’t make you feel good.)

2. What would you like to believe about money instead? 

(That is, when you think this thought, it frees you.)

3. How would you like to feel about money and have it flow to you?

4. What single action can you take today that begins to shift your money story?

There is timeless money wisdom that will live on and make great sense throughout generations – wisdom like regular savings, not spending more than you make, etc. But if part of your money story is that you need to struggle to make money, it’s time to revisit that.

Struggle is a choice to stay in a story that doesn’t align with your Highest Good.

Let’s shift that. Are you ready and willing?

Sign Up for a Money Breakthrough

As a Sacred Money Archetype Coach, I can help you discover your top Sacred Money Archetypes and how they are impacting your Money Flow. Together we will explore the gifts and challenges of your archetypes and clarify beginning steps to empower your gifts. This profound yet practical 60-minute session can create a Money Breakthrough well worth the small investment. Don’t delay. You save $100 until June 30th!

Click to learn more and sign up

Love & Abundance,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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