AM Bliss Day 20: Breakthrough

In the moments when we are at our highest levels of frustration, overwhelm, and ‘stuck-ness’, we are also in the richest place for an amazing breakthrough. 

And do you know what the easiest bridge to that breakthrough is?  


When we can be honest with ourselves, we can instantly diffuse overwhelm. When we can express where we are at without censoring, we can get that pent-up energy outside ourselves and instantly feel lighter.  Last night I reached out to a beautiful circle of friends and shared some heavy emotions I was feeling. It was magical to see how my mood and energy shifted as I voiced my truth.

Here’s a pattern I notice for myself. Perhaps you can relate.

You’re on a roll in some area of your life. You’re sailing along just fine — but then you start to notice it. It’s like an itch, something you can’t shake — that feeling that something isn’t quite right. It grows and grows (more uncomfortable) and then starts to really build as overwhelm, frustration, anger, sadness or doubt. Eventually it gets so loud you can’t ignore it and it either brings you to a halt or you’re ready to throw in the towel with whatever it relates to (job, relationship, project, etc). You can’t bear it anymore, so you blurt out the truth of where you are at. And in that beautiful clarity — BOOM, a breakthrough!

It’s an interesting cycle. When I’m in the middle of it, I can’t see its beauty. I become fearful I’m on the wrong path. But lately, more than ever before, I’m learning to trust the process. I’m learning to be super kind and loving to myself as I go through it. AND, most important, I’m learning that I can catch the discomfort when it’s just a mild itch versus waiting until it’s a crisis.  

What about you? Do you notice a similar pattern? Do you shut down at the frustration/overwhelm stage? Or do you get quiet and get really honest with yourself regarding what the heavy emotions are about? Consider that just around the corner is the breakthrough that the emotions are calling forth. 

Breakthroughs are truly amazing and transformational, and a key component to stepping up our game in life.  

They catapult us forward to the next leg of the journey, versus having us grind through old patterns again and again.  The more we open ourselves up to breakthroughs, the juicier life gets. Opportunities once deemed ‘unrealistic’ are made real — one breakthrough at a time.

Do you have friends, family or other support networks to share your truth with? If not, consider a mastermind group or personal coach. The process can be much smoother when support, love and guidance are readily available.

Lots of love,

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About the Author

Paula Onysko is a money & business coach with 20 years of experience as a successful multi six-figure entrepreneur. Combining her corporate business background with coaching and communications expertise, Paula helps soulful entrepreneurs create more income with ease, flow and fun. She guides them to expand their money mindset, create compelling offers, message their magic and sell the soulful way. Discover how she can help you.

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